Saturday, April 16, 2022

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Savage Orc


Savage Orcs are a more recent creation of the Orcish God Thulzug. They were created in his anger over the High Orcs becoming civilized and turning their back on him. He desires nothing less then the total destruction of the civilized world. So he created a more powerful more terrifying type of Orc.

They are more powerful with a more monstrous appearance then regular Orcs. The drawback is that Savage Orcs are even less intelligent then regular Orcs. Closer in intelligence to an Ogre.

In the Orc hordes there is roughly 1 Savage Orc for every 5 regular Orcs. The brutes do very little other then fight, eat, and sleep. They care nothing for the culture they are part of or even the worship of the god that spawned them. They simply wait for their next opportunity to fight.

Monstrous Information
Medium Humanoid (orc), Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: 14 (natural armor + shield)
Hit Points: 32 (4d10 + 10)
Speed: 30 ft
Strength: 17 (+3)
Dexterity: 10 (+0)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 5 (-3)
Wisdom: 9 (-1)
Charisma: 7 (-2)
Skills: Darkvision 60 ft, Passive Perception 9
Languages: Giant
Challenge Rating: 1 (200 XP)

Gore: If moving 15 or more ft towards an enemy, a savage orc can perform a running gore with it's tusks. With a + 5 to hit and dealing 2d6 + 3 piercing damage.

Glaive: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, deals 1d12 + 3 slashing damage.

Saturday, July 11, 2020


Race: Human
Class: Fighter - Level 12

Andruk's story begins a long time before the world as it currently exists. He was once a brave adventurer. Exploring dungeons and the wilds in search of treasure. He even fought as a mercenary in a couple of wars. But he made the mistake of taking his fight for all that is good to the Temple of Loki. He lashed out at Loki's faithful accusing them of being thieves and murders.

He wasn't entirely wrong with his accusations and he easily disarmed any of them who tried to put up a fight. But he crossed a line that a god would not simply ignore. He began desecrating the temple. Destroying vases, works of art, and even a statue of Loki himself. Andruk could only look on in horror as the statue pulled itself back together and began to move.

The statue gripped Andruk who couldn't break free from the divine force animating the statue and Loki cursed him. Loki said to Andruk "Since you have so little respect for what I value, then I shall curse you. Curse you with the inability to die. You have destroyed treasures I value, so you will have to watch helplessly as you outlast everything in this world that YOU value."

Andruk had been cursed with what was essentially immortality. He laughed at this idea at first but as the years went on, Loki's words began to ring true. He had to watch as his traveling companions died of old age. His wife and eventually his children as well. He fell into a slump of despair for many years, until he finally came up with an answer to his reason for existing.

Andruk had been trying to live as a force for good when Loki cursed him and he vowed not to allow the curse to defeat him. He resumed his travels and though he tried not to make many personal ties, tales of his renewed exploits began to spread through the land. People inspired by his bravery and deeds flocked to his side seeking leadership. Eventually founding a kingdom in northern Aelcrestia... a kingdom that's name has been forgotten as the tragedy of this tale has not yet ended.

Andruk's kingdom was prosperous and known to many as the city of gold as a result of just how many buildings were decorated with it. However whether it be because of his curse or just plain bad luck... Andruk could never have foreseen that the silver elves would open up a portal to the abyss nearby. A horde of demons fell down upon his kingdom, too fast for him to react properly in defense and far too fast for any of the kingdoms in the south to send aid.

Andruk's kingdom fell from memory, with it's capitol simply being remembered as the city of gold. His own great city now inhabited by demons and other manner of foul creatures. Andruk himself however could not die, no matter how many times the demons pierced his body. No matter how many times they burned him. Nothing could kill him.

But being unable to die does not mean that Andruk was invincible, he could feel pain and he could be restrained. The demons at a loss for what to do with him, opted to turn him over to the silver elves. Where the queen took an interest in the existence of a man who could not die. She had him chained and blindfolded to serve as her own personal endless supply of blood for her vampiric hunger.

It has been centuries but Andruk still lay helplessly chained to Magnanima Silverheart's throne. Being fed on by an evil queen that won't even allow him to look at his captors. Andruk is still a prisoner, but should anyone ever manage to free him. The fury that he would likely unleash upon the evil in the north may shine as a light brighter then the sun.

Magnanima Silverheart

Art by @Riademoness
Race: Silver Elf/Medusa/Vampire

Magnanima Silverheart is the queen of the silver elves and has been since they were originally cast out by the elvish god Flondell. As punishment for leading them astray, Flondell turned Magnanima into a medusa. This did not teach her a lesson however. While the curse of a gorgon is well known, Magnanima only saw the power it had gifted her with.

She considered the god Flondell a fool who in spite of his divine power didn't truly understand the greatness of the elves. As such, Magnanima craved even more power. She wanted to possess the power to rival a god. For if she considered a god a fool, then she considered it her very right to rip him down from his throne.

Her people eventually found the power and guidance they needed from the evil goddess Sharzek but Magnanima only cared about increasing her personal power. While she once had sought the glory of the elves, she now only coveted glory for herself. Paranoia at the prospect that her rule as queen may one day end, she sought out the path of vampirism.

She now possessed the powers of not one but two legendary feared monsters. In her mind, bringing her one step closer to her own godhood. Afterall she no longer need fear the effects of aging, she can kill nearly any foe with her gaze alone, and even if someone were to defeat her in combat it would be incredibly unlikely that they would be able to find where she had hidden her coffin in order to destroy her permanently.

The Silver Elves of Nelsegroth

Important Members
Queen: Magnanima Silverheart
Queen's Slave: Andruk

Faction Lore
The Elves of Nelsegroth are a vile, hateful people. They are responsible for the demons that roam the red plains on northern Aelcrestia. They opened a portal to the Abyss in an effort to summon entities to punish those who opposed them after they were shunned by the other elves of the world for their view of other races.

Their magical might and the dreadful power of their immortal queen were perhaps the only things that kept the demons from turning on them as well. They eventually allied with the demons and are currently only held at bay by the unified forces of the kingdoms in the south. The silver elves, much like the demons they have allied with are the enemies of everyone else in the world, whether they be good or evil.

The silver elves prefer turning their enemies into undead but occasionally will bring back living prisoners to use as slaves. While they use undead to handle most physical labor, the silver elves realize the health risks associated with having animated corpses handling their food.

The silver elves are incredibly vain, not even being satisfied with the long length of an elvish life. Their obsession with maintaining an eternal perfect beauty leads to many of their higher ranking members of society becoming vampires in order to achieve what they consider perfection.

Silver elf vampires tend to keep a larger number of slaves then other members of their society as they can use them as an easily replenish able food source as long as they don't kill them while feeding

The ranking of their power structure goes as follows. Anyone who is a vampire outranks anyone who is still a living being. Below the vampires are the priests and priestesses of Sharzek. Below the priesthood are the necromancers. Last before the normal citizens and soldiers are the nobility. Anyone who falls into more then one category simply holds the power with the highest position they belong to.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Frork Fuleg "The Skin Changer"

Art by Jacob K. Gratchyk
Race: Hobgoblin
Class: Level 17 Priest of Set

Frork is the high priest of Set and one of the few Goblinoid members of Set's army to reach a high ranking position. Frork commands the goblin and human forces of Set's army from the Great Temple in the city of Ashma.

While Frork most certainly did a lot of work to earn his position at the top, his current strength is not natural. He obtained his nickname "The Skin Changer" because through an unknown divine ritual he has managed to obtain something akin to a rebirth a total of 3 times. Shedding his previous mortal form similar to the manner in which a snake sheds it's skin. Many view his transformation as symbolic of his connection to Set since in this world Set has chosen the form of a giant Cobra to represent himself.

Due to his transformations Frork has surpassed the normal physical limitations of his race, however that does not change that he is in fact still a Hobgoblin. As a result he is prone to letting slip his natural violent tendencies in spite of his best efforts to appear civilized before his followers.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hive Hound

Art by Jacob K. Gratchyk
One couldn't be blamed if they confused the Hive Hound for some bizarre undead abomination that has bees living in it or a hound infected with a parasite swam. But in actuality the swarm and the hound are one singular demonic being.

Hive Hounds are actually fiends created by the Demon Lord Brumble. They are a result of him wanting his own servants similar to Hell Hounds but as he calls the Demi-Plane of Bees his home, he created something far more horrific.

A hive hound's bees act as an extension of it's body. Their sight is it's sight. Should the hive hound perish any of the demonic bees that came from it's body with die as well.

Unlike Hell Hounds, Hive Hounds can speak with disturbingly deep buzzing voices.

Monstrous Information
Medium Fiend, Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: 15 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points: 50 (7d8 + 14)
Speed: 45 ft
Strength: 15 (+2)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 6 (-2)
Charisma: 6 (-2)
Skills: Perception + 5
Damage Immunities: Poison
Condition Immunities: Poison, Charm, Blindness
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 15
Language: Abyssal
Challenge: 3 (700 XP)

Swarm Aura: Anyone within 5 ft of the Hive Hound on their turn must make a dexterity save with a DC of 12 or suffer damage from the bees swarming nearby. Those who fail the save suffer 1 piercing damage and 1d4 poison damage.

Bite: + 5 to hit, reach 5 ft, deals 1d8 + 2 piercing damage and 2d6 poison damage

Noxious Breath: (Recharge 5-6) The hound exhales gas in a 15 foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a 12 DC Constitution save of suffer 6d6 poison damage. Taking only half damage on a successful save.

Unleash the Swarm: Once per hour a hive hound can spawn a swarm of bees. These bees count as an insect swarm and use the rules for a swarm of wasps.