Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Silver Elves of Nelsegroth

Important Members
Queen: Magnanima Silverheart
Queen's Slave: Andruk

Faction Lore
The Elves of Nelsegroth are a vile, hateful people. They are responsible for the demons that roam the red plains on northern Aelcrestia. They opened a portal to the Abyss in an effort to summon entities to punish those who opposed them after they were shunned by the other elves of the world for their view of other races.

Their magical might and the dreadful power of their immortal queen were perhaps the only things that kept the demons from turning on them as well. They eventually allied with the demons and are currently only held at bay by the unified forces of the kingdoms in the south. The silver elves, much like the demons they have allied with are the enemies of everyone else in the world, whether they be good or evil.

The silver elves prefer turning their enemies into undead but occasionally will bring back living prisoners to use as slaves. While they use undead to handle most physical labor, the silver elves realize the health risks associated with having animated corpses handling their food.

The silver elves are incredibly vain, not even being satisfied with the long length of an elvish life. Their obsession with maintaining an eternal perfect beauty leads to many of their higher ranking members of society becoming vampires in order to achieve what they consider perfection.

Silver elf vampires tend to keep a larger number of slaves then other members of their society as they can use them as an easily replenish able food source as long as they don't kill them while feeding

The ranking of their power structure goes as follows. Anyone who is a vampire outranks anyone who is still a living being. Below the vampires are the priests and priestesses of Sharzek. Below the priesthood are the necromancers. Last before the normal citizens and soldiers are the nobility. Anyone who falls into more then one category simply holds the power with the highest position they belong to.