Thursday, April 9, 2020

New Equipment

Martial Weapons

Item Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Ball & Chain   20 GP   3d4 Bludgeoning   10lb Heavy*, Reach, Two Handed
Broad Sword   13 GP   2d4 Piercing   4lb Heavy
Katana   25 GP   1d8 Slashing    3lb Versatile (2d6)
Nagamaki   30 GP   1d10 Slashing    4lb Light, Reach, Two Handed
Scythe   15 GP   2d4 Slashing    5lb Heavy, Reach, Two Handed
Wakizashi   12 GP   1d6 Slashing    2lb Light, Finesse

*Ball and Chains are an unweildy weapon that requires a particular large individual to wield it properly. As a result only Bug Bears, Centaurs, Minotaurs, and Oni player characters can wield them properly.


Item Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Flintlock Pistol 75 GP   1d10 Piercing   1lb Light, Loading, Special*, Range: 60
Rifle 90 GP   2d6 Piercing   4lb Heavy, Loading, Range 90

*The complexity of reloading a flintlock makes it virtually impossible to reload during battle.

Firearms are not Martial Weapons. They are Exotic Weapons that require special training to wield.


Armor Cost Armor Class (AC)  Strength Stealth Weight
Light Samurai Armor 100 GP   13 + Dex Modifier Disadvantage    20 lb
Heavy Samurai Armor 800 GP   17      15 Disadvantage    30 lb
Legionnaire Armor 500 GP   14 + Dex Modifier      13    20 lb

Unique Metals

Godsteel: Metal forged by the high orcs of Waa'Deem and blessed by the power of Zeus. For all intents and purposes pretty much anything forged with Godsteel counts as a +2 magical item. However it is extremely rare for it to be used for armor. The highly involved process of crafting the items makes it too time consuming to make much with it other then weapon blades.

Blood Iron: Metal forged by the followers of Set. Crafted with a process that involves mixing a magical plant known as Crimson Root into the metal smelting process. The plant originates from the nearby Swamp of No Hope and is used by Set's followers for various rituals as well. However in this instance the result is a metal with an odd dull red tint to it. Weapons made from Blood Iron have a +1 to hit all enemies and a +2 damage against otherwordly beings such as elementals and demons. Alternatively armor made from it will reduce the damage dealt against the wearer by any otherwordly being by 1.

Mithril: Rare ore mined by the dwarves of the Land of Ice in their mountain homes. All equipment forged with it count as + 1 magical items.

Frost Forged: The snow elves have a close relationship with the mountain dwarves, frequently trading materials, animal pelts, and meat from the nearby forests in exchange for materials only the dwarves have access to. Frost Forged weapons are the result of snow elf magic imbued into dwarven crafted mithril weapons. They count as magical weapons + 1 but for the purpose of deciding damage resistance, they count as cold damage instead of whatever type of damage the weapon would normally inflict. They deal double damage against fire related enemies such as fire elementals and red dragons.