Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Alignment: True Neutral
Portfolio: Earth, Fertility, Health, and Prophecy
Domain: Nature
Holy Symbol: A basket of fruit
Follower Alignment: Any non evil
Follower Bonus: As a bonus first level spell. Clerics of Gaea have access to find familiar.


The people of Primordus view Gaea as the mother of their planet. She is considered the one who created the world and gave life to it. However beyond this fact she has little involvement in the events of the world compared to most of the other gods.

She does however grant spells to the druids and clerics who pray to her. Gaea's followers on Primordus mainly task themselves as the caretakers of nature. Rarely getting involved in the inner workings of society unless the wilds are threatened.

Gaea's Avatar

Gaea appears as a beautiful woman with brunette hair. She is typically seen wearing plain white robes and carries a black harvesting sickle with her. She occassionally appears to wander the forests of Primordus but rarely interacts with followers or other mortals. The rare occurrence where she will intervene is if during her wandering she comes upon someone despoiling nature, in which case they will likely meet their end at her hands.

Avatar Information
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