Thursday, May 7, 2020

Grobekk "The Deformed"

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Goblin Hordes
Domain: War, Unity, or Solidarity
Holy Symbol: A smiling mask with one half purple and the other red
Follower Alignment: Any evil
Follower Bonus: Clerics of Grobekk have Animal Friendship as a bonus 1st level spell, however it only works on wolves and worgs.


Grobekk is a bitter angry god. He was once considered the father of all goblinoids on Primordus. Then Set stole a large number of his followers and subjugated those who would not convert. He does his best to reward those who remain loyal but he constantly struggles between his power waning and because of some form of divine disease that has over taken the right side of his body.

Followers of Grobekk are treated like second class citizens outside of the clans where others are still loyal. The goblins who follow Set look down on them for not reaching for greater things and the good aligned people of the world mistrust them for their evil nature.