Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Artists, Artisans, Craftsman, and Travelers
Domain: Forge or Knowledge
Holy Symbol: A ceramic vase
Follower Alignment: Any
Follower Bonus: Clerics of Ptah have Mending as a bonus cantrip.


Known as the god of artists and craftsmen, there are many who seek Ptah's favor on Primordus while attempting to create objects of quality. Painters, sculptors, and musicians all look to him for inspiration. Traveling merchants pray to him in the hopes that the wares they acquire will be good enough for their customers.

Followers of Ptah do their absolute most to encourage the creativity of their communities. With the biggest example being a temple to Ptah in Asawara that also functions as a beautiful museum of art.