Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Art by KibaMk2


Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Fire and Smithing
Domain: Forge
Holy Symbol: An anvil
Alignment: Any non evil
Follower Bonus: Clerics of Vaasmoot have Fire Bolt as a bonus cantrip.


Vaasmoot is the master of searing fire and the smith of the gods. He is the god who has the most worshipers among the dwarves next to The Bearded One himself.

Followers of Vaasmoot commit themselves to aiding in the forging of great weapons and armor. Many of the greatest smiths in Waa'Deem and Grandobar were aided in one way or another by followers of Vaasmoot. Adventurers who follow Vaasmoot take great joy in the opportunity to wield such finely crafted weaponry.