Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Art by Ria
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Elves and Elegance
Domain: Trickery or Zeal
Holy Symbol: An arrow with a rose growing off the nock
Follower Alignment: Any non evil
Follower Bonus: Clerics of Flondell have Dancing Lights as a bonus cantrip.


Flondell is a god who has great feelings of pride for the elves. He considers them the pinnacle of grace and style, second only to himself. This arrogance however does make it hard for many to take him seriously, causing many of the elves to worship Artemis or Gaea instead.

Followers of Flondell consider elves to be the pinnacle of beauty. Followers who are not themselves elves, will always do their best to remain in the presence of elves.