Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Bearded One

Art by KibaMk2


Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Dwarves and Valor
Domain: Order or Unity
Holy Symbol: An image of a well groomed beard
Follower Alignment: Any good
Followers Bonus: Clerics of The Bearded One are proficient in the use of warhammers and battleaxes.


The Bearded One is the god that led the dwarves of Primordus from simple aimless lives to living in the hills and mountains where they mine and smith ore. The Bearded One gifted the dwarves with the knowledge of forging weapons of great power and the wisdom to use them to defend their homes.

It is not only dwarves who follow The Bearded One. A fair number of high orcs and gnomes pray to him as well. Followers of The Bearded One believe a good defense is a strong defense and smite those evil foes who threaten their homes.