Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Land of Ice

The Last Stop

On the northern region of the continent is a land that is the only place that is not covered by eternal winter. Cold winds still blow through the area but it is usually clear of snow on the beaches and forests in this small region.

Final Haven: A port town on the north side of the continent. It is the only port on the island and is a the main line of trade with the outside world.

The Snow Fang Mountains

A vast mountain range that goes along the entire western edge of the continent. Home to many frost giants and their followers in the south.

Grandobar: Home of the mountain dwarves in the Land of Ice. Found in the northern end of the mountains, Grandobar is a bastion of mining and smithing. Even though it is a dwarven city, snow elves are frequently found in the city as well since they frequently travel here to trade with the dwarves.

The lands near Grandobar are one of the few areas on in the continent that frost giants will not tread. For in spite of their strength even giants are vulnerable to attack from siege weapons that remain well hidden by the dwarves.

The Frozen Plains

The rest of the continent falls into this area. A vast land of open plains and forests seemingly permanently covered in snow. This land has no friendly villages or cities. There are encampments of nomadic snow elves, wild life, and ice monsters in addition to the frost giants and their followers.

It is believed that the continent is in some way linked directly to the plane of ice which would explain the presence of some of the elemental creatures in the lands.

The Obsidian Palace: A large strong hold far in the south. This place is home to frost giants who reign over the land through fear.