Thursday, May 7, 2020


Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Evil Elves, Undead, and Spiders
Domain: Death, Twilight, or Blood
Holy Symbol: A skull with spider legs growing out of it
Follower Alignment: Evil elves
Follower Bonus: Clerics of Sharzek have Find Familiar as a bonus 1st level spell, but the familiar will always be a spider.


The silver elves were a race of elves who believed too heavily in the elven god Flondell's concept of elvish elegance. They believed so heavily that elves were the most elegant race in existence that they believed all other mortal races were beneath them. This began to outwardly manifest in their mistreatment of non elves and eventually led to them actively attacking others. Flondell cast them out for this, declaring that no one who behaves in such a barbaric manner could ever be described as elegant.

This is when Sharzek appeared before them. Sharzek told the silver elves that Flondell was a fool and couldn't understand their aspirations for greatness. Sharzek gifted the silver elves with control over the undead and spiders in order to create a new elven homeland of their own.

Only elves can become followers of Sharzek. Either silver elves or other elves who have fallen down a path of evil. Any non elvish person who prays to Sharzek will at best have them go unanswered or assaulted with nightmarish visions. At worst, non elves who invoke Sharzek's name will find themselves being tracked by monsters that serve her.