Thursday, May 7, 2020


Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Orcs and Savagery
Domain: War
Holy Symbol: A war drum
Follower Alignment: Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil
Follower Bonus: Clerics of Thulzug have Ray of Sickness as a bonus first level spell.


Thulzug is the creator of the orcs on Primordus. So it comes as no surprise that he was furious when Zeus converted a large number of orcs and elevated them above their base nature the Thulzug instilled them with. Thulzug felt that with his vast horde cut in half that he must then bolster their strength in some way, transforming half of the remaining orcs loyal to him. Mutating them into barbaric beasts closer in nature to the ogres. These new orcs were known as savage orcs.

Followers of Thulzug act as strategists for the armies of the Savage Horde. At least as much as one can act as strategist for a chaotic host of monsters who follow no rhyme or reason.