Thursday, May 7, 2020


Art by KibaMk2


Alignment: Lawful Evil
Porfolio: Tyranny and Vengeance
Domain: Death or Ambition
Holy Symbol: An iron fist
Follower Alignment: Any Evil
Follower Bonus: Clerics of Viccus have Chill Touch as a bonus cantrip.


In spite of being considered the god of Tyranny, Viccus actually has very little power in the world of Primordus. A relative newcomer among the evil gods, he is mainly followed by those who seek a way to lay their own claim on the world rather then answering to one of the existing evil organizations that already exist.

Followers of Viccus are among the few evil clerics that may opt to join a party of adventurers with no intention of betraying them later. Followers of Viccus crave power or vengeance. Both of which are easier to accomplish in a group when they have no stable power base to call upon.