Thursday, May 7, 2020

Zelarell "The Frost Maiden"

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Cold and Winter
Domain: Tempest
Holy Symbol: An icicle
Follower Alignment: Any
Follower Bonus: Clerics of Zelarell have Ray of Frost as a bonus cantrip.


Zelarell is largely considered responsible for the eternal winter that has fallen upon what is now known as the Land of Ice. Few remember it but when the cold first fell upon the land it claimed a great many lives who were unprepared to deal with it and Zelarell did not care so long as she left her mark on Primordus. For this reason even the other evil gods try not to disturb her since none of them wish to enter a battle with another god in order to save their followers from an ice age.

Even though Zelarell herself is evil, her followers are not necessarily so. Many simply pray for safety or see the cold she has place before them as a challenge to prove their fortitude. However many evil races such as frost giants and other monsters in the Land of Ice revere her as their mother.