Sunday, March 29, 2020


The Kingdom of Waa'Deem

Waa'Deem is a desert kingdom that is home to the high orcs and gnomes of Primordus. The orcs provide most of the hard labor and military strength for the kingdom. The gnomes provide a variety of services that aid the orcs however. Gnomes build the forges that orc smiths use to craft their wares, use alchemy to provide medicines to the community, and use a combination of magic with gnomish contraptions to make farming possible in the middle of the desert.

Nazzerod: A port town where all ships arriving and departing from the continent tend to dock. A fairly small town with little military presence aside from a few barracks where a relatively small number of high orc soldiers reside in order to keep the peace. There are a smattering of general stores, inns, taverns, and streetside merchant stalls to service those just arriving on the continent but are all small in scale compared to the capitol.

Gruwish: The capitol of Waa'Deem. Home to the Great Bazaar, one of the largest centers of trade in the world, where not only the citizens of Waa'Deem but High Elves and Oni from the neighboring kingdoms visit to make trade with visitors from other continents. The royal palace, home of the Lord Chief of the High Orcs resides along with the others responsible for leading the military of the kingdom.

Fort Drogrukh: A large stone military fortress. Drogrukh stands directly in the face of the only major path leading through the mountains into The Savage Expanse. This fortress is where the vast majority of Waa'Deem's military forces are stationed as they patrol and guard against the advance of the monstrous Savage Horde from the center of the continent.

The Savage Expanse

A barren stretch of land in the center of the continent full of destroyed villages and forests falling into ruin. This land is primarily named for the force that turned it into what it is, The Savage Horde. The horde is a collection of orcs, savage orcs, ogres, ettins, and hill giants that form a mass of dangerous, unthinking, barbaric army. They move with very little rhyme or reason. Any given action by the forces of the horde are mainly directed by the whims of whoever has the strongest presence in the group at any given time.

Several tribes of Lizardfolk have dared to try and live in this region. While they do their best to avoid the Savage Horde, it is inevitable that clashes between the two occur. Any lizardfolk that emerge victorious tend to quickly move on to another area to avoid attention.

Ruins of Akletham: Akletham was once home to the original Great Bazaar, where many nations and races met to trade goods. But all of that changed when the Savage Horde grew too large to remain secluded in the mountains. Their armies spilled forth massacring the unsuspecting people of Akletham and leaving the vast city in ruin. This loss sparked the alliance between the high elves, high orcs, and oni in the neighboring kingdoms. Working together to stop the further expansion outward by the horde.

It is said that many great treasures still remain in Akletham. It was picked clean of food and weapons by the horde, but many other objects of value hold no meaning to the barbaric forces. A force that simply takes what it wants has no use for coin or fine arts, nor can they understand the value in many magical objects that remain hidden in the ruins of the once great city.

The Spirit Lands

The Spirit Lands is the name for the plains and forests in the southern region of Azora. Home to the Oni and one of the most magically inclined regions of the continent. Many magical creatures such as unicorns, pixies, and other faerie folk reside in nature outside of the cities and villages of the region.

There are many Oni who live in the wilds in this area rather then in one of the villages, whether they be nomads like the local Lizardfolk or hermits who simply do not wish to be disturbed.

Yugasunai: A small fishing village. Mostly inhabited by humans with a minor population of oni who live there primarily the defend the village. The village isn't quite what one would call a port town, the actual village isn't directing along the coast. It's further inland shielded from easy sight by the nearby forest.

There are several large houses that aren't in the actual village that many would consider part of it due to their proximity however as well as several guarded docking areas along the coast, but the disorganized way in which the small community goes about their business as well as being a longer travel for anyone coming from Aelcrestia, tends to mean very few arriving on the continent use Yugasunai as their point of entry.

Asawara: What many would consider the capitol of the Oni people. It is at the very least home to the largest concentration of their people along with a smaller population of humans. Asawara is the place of origin for the teachings of the samurai on Primordus. As such is the place where one is most likely to find their choice in weapons or armor. Though in the case of their armor, it might be hard for anyone smaller then an oni to find any that fit them properly.

Asawara is not ruled over by a single individual like many other civilizations, but rather a council of 12 members with 6 members representing the oni and 6 members representing the humans of the region.

The West Wood

The forest lands on the western region of the continent, home to the high elves, centaurs, and many tribes of lizardfolk. The lizardfolk are not the friendliest of neighbors but they never actively fight with the elves or centaurs while the fear of the savage horde nearby looms over them all.

The West Wood may not have the most easily defended terrain compared to Waa'Deem and the Spirit Lands but it does have one thing that neither of them does. A silver dragon resides in the nearby mountains who has on more then one occasion came forth to rain doom on invading forces of the Savage Horde.

Amhehone: The most sacred of cities to the high elves. Home to their wisest elders and the elf they have named King of the Forest. Here elves enjoy fine arts, music, and unearthly foods as they hone their combat skills to defend their home. Centaurs are frequently welcomed into the city to practice their skills with a bow alongside skilled elven archers.