Sunday, March 29, 2020


The Red Plains

The Red Plains is an area on the northern part of the continent where almost all of the plant life has gained a blood red tint to it due to the corruption of the demonic forces present in the land. With energy flowing in from the Abyss, the land has transformed slowly to show that fact. It is harder for natural animals to survive in this land just due to the habitat before accounting for the demons roaming the area.

The Abyssal Rift: The Abyssal Rift is a magical tear that has opened a portal into the Abyss. It's however a one way portal, any demon that comes through can not simply return to the Abyss which is one of the few things from keeping the presence of demonic forces from getting worse.

The City of Gold: Once the capitol of a human empire where the wealth they acquired from conquest was so great that every building in the city was adorned with golden decorations, now the city lies at the heart of the demonic forces that have conquered The Red Plains. A powerful Balor now sits on the golden throne that once belonged to an immortal human king.

Nelsegroth: Home of the vile necromancy loving Silver Elves. This is where they worship their evil gods and scheme about how to rid of the world of all the non elf mortal races. Their vampire queen resides here, acting as both their queen and the high priestess of Sharzek.

Enrun: A port town used by the silver elves. They receive no visitors here, rather the port is used as a staging ground for the silver elves to attack transport ships from other kingdoms.

The Lonely Volcano: East of the Red Plains there is a mountain range with a single volcano. Named not only for it's singular existence but also because none dare approach the mountains. Not the demons and not the silver elves. For in these mountains is the lair of the ancient dragon known as Smold Ash. A terrifying dragon of unimaginable power that is quite simply the only thing that the demons and silver elves actually fear.

The Line

The name for a group of 3 strongholds that are viewed as the last line of defense for all those living south of the Red Plains, to protect them from the demonic hordes to the north.

Caerhayes Hold: The western most fortress of the three. This crude but massive fortress was created by the slave labor of hundreds of halflings working under the supervision of the followers of Set. There are more then a few humans or goblins who serve Set overseeing the hold at any given time. But a good chunk of the actual forces are goblins and hobgoblins who refused to convert to the worship of Set from their goblin god and are thus considered expendable to the people of Stygius. These goblins don't like it but reluctantly comply because they would prefer their current oppression over whatever the demons would have in store for them.

Blackdown Hold: The central fortress along the borders of the Red Plains. It was built and staffed by people loyal to the Free Legion to the south.

Fort Streganna: The eastern most fortress is the results of a collaboration between the kingdoms to the south and the nearby island kingdom of Lorenost. The Free Legion built the place but it primarily operated by less savory individuals from Lorenost. Higher ranking soldiers are mostly chosen by the people of Lorenost but the lower soldiers, mostly viewed as canon fodder are often criminals who were sentenced to service as punishment for their crimes from the various surrounding kingdoms.

Land of the Serpent

This is a stretch of area primarily controlled by the followers of Set. Many goblin, hobgoblin, and bugbear clans are scattered in the wilderness surrounding the cities.

Stygius: The capitol city of Set's followers. Snake's are sacred here and halflings are slaves. For anyone who is on the good side of the followers be they human or goblin will live a comfortable life here as long as they can live with themselves seeing how many others are treated.

Ashma: These town serves two major purposes for the kingdom. It is a port town and it houses several arenas were gladiatorial combat is held among slaves and prisoners for the entertainment of the evil elite of the area.

The Swamp of No Hope: A swamp stretching along the southern border of the Land of the Serpent. This swamp didn't receive it's name for nothing, something looms over it like a disease. Some believe it's a result of corruption from the Red Plains creeping to the south, but those who are old enough to remember or simply know the truth know that the swamp has been like this long before the Abyssal Rift ever appeared. This swamp is where Zeus struck down Talvis while she was present as her dragon avatar and some believe the dragon's blood poisoned the swamp.

Now the swamp seems to be under a spell of eternal night and anyone entering needs to fear attacks from the plantlife just as much as the wildlife.

The Free Lands

Several cities that all fall under the protection of a group known as the Free Legion.

Mago: A prosperous city that also serves as the home base of the Free Legion. The castle serves as their headquarters where King Andrus and his advisors help the Legion plans their moves.

Prin: A city that is primarily known for two major things. Their wide selection of gambling dens as well as being the most common stop going to or from the Land of Serpents. Prin is just the easiest stop for anyone who doesn't want to go directly through the middle of the Swamp of No Hope.

Freeport: Known to many as the city of adventure. Freeport is quite simply the largest and most active port city on Primordus. Anyone headed to either Azora or the Land of Ice will likely depart from Freeport.

Gando: A reasonably sized port city but not as popular as Freeport due to being positioned a further to the east when Azora is to the west. Gando is more well known for being a city of fishermen. Most seafood entering the continent comes from Gando.

Eaststorm: A small little port town, it's primary purpose being an easier travel point for anyone going to or from the isle of Lorenost.

The Island of Lorenost

Lorenost: Known by many outsiders as the city of crime, Lorenost well deserves it's reputation. Most followers of an evil god that isn't Set find their home here. The cult of Talvis has a particularly sizable presence here. Scum from all over the land tend to gravitate to this place or the surrounding wilderness.

Lorenost however in spite of it's name is not a city without law. It is governed by a powerful lich named Saravex. In addition to wanting to avoid seeing what he's built crumble, Saravex has plenty of motivation to enforce some form of order on the city since the worst offenders can just vanish to fuel his undeath. There are plenty of normal human guardsmen who maintain order in the city but if someone causes a particularly big disturbance, then Saravex may send one of his seldom seen elite guard who are comprised of highly skilled skeletal knights.

Ravenfall: A small town that is the only port on the island of Lorenost.