Sunday, March 29, 2020

Silver Elves

Art by Boli Nolasco 
Art by Jacob K. Gratchyk

Silver elves live in the kingdom of Nelsegroth in the northern region of the continent of Aelcrestia. They live secluded from most of the other civilized races as their kingdom is among a region that has otherwise been overrun by demons. Demons that the silver elves have formed an alliance with.

Silver elves view all the non elf mortal races as less then people. They see others as beings only fit for slavery or death. Thus they have no qualms serving in the names of their dark gods as they attempt to help a horde of demons destroy civilizations.

The silver elves also have many heavy practitioners of necromancy. More then happily they will add the corpses of their enemies to their undead labor force and army. However it is forbidden to ever turn another elf into any form of undead other then a vampire as it is considered blasphemy to turn a being as beautiful as an elf into nothing more then a walking rotting corpse. It should come as no surprise that all of their deceased are cremated to avoid the horrible fate of rotting away.

Silver elves all have pale white skin but their hair can vary from black, white, and a very metallic looking silver. Their eye colors are as various as one can imagine. Their eyes tend to naturally be blue, green, or black. However the tainted land that they reside in has led to the magic around them giving them all kinds of eye color variations, some silver elves are even born with glowing eyes.

Common Gods of Worship: Loki, Morrigan, Sharzek, Viccus

Roleplaying Notes: Anyone who wants to play a good silver elf will need to come up with a very good reason for why they have turned against their own kind. Even as a good silver elf who believes that their brethren are wrong, they should still be roleplayed with a bit of condescension towards other races. Someone doesn't unlearn thinking that they're better then everyone else overnight.

5th Edition Rules
For 5th Edition, Silver Elves function as a sub race of elf with the following extra traits.

Ability Score Modifier: Rather then the usual bonus to Dexterity all other elves receive. Silver elves gain a plus 2 to Intelligence and a plus 1 to Wisdom. This is due to them all living rather privileged lifestyles with no care for nature.

Cunning Mind: All silver elves are proficient in the Arcana and Investigation skills.

Magical Prodigy: All silver elves gain 1 wizard or cleric cantrip even if they are a non magical class.