Wednesday, April 22, 2020

High Orcs

Art by Junewil Dael
On Primordus there was once only one kind of Orc. The usual warhungry pillaging type. But at some point the High Orcs were born as a result of divine guidance that led them away from that path. While they still greatly value strength, they value it as a tool to protect their cities.

The High Orcs now hail from the dessert kingdom of Waa'Deem on the continent of Azora. There capitol city of Gruwish is one of the two largest centers of trade in the world. Virtually anything imported from the continent of Aelcrestia passes through Waa'Deem before it reaches the kingdoms of the Oni or the High Elves.

High Orc merchants, smiths, priests, and warriors all practice their craft for the betterment of their society with the aid of the inventions of gnomes who they share their kingdom with.

High Orcs stand from 5-7 feet tall. Weigh between 200-300 pounds and are medium sized. The age at the same rate as humans.

Common Gods of Worship: Belenus, Oghma, The Bearded One, Heimdall, Vaasmoot, Zeus

5th Edition Rules
Ability Score Increase: Strength, Constitution, and Wisom all increase by 1

Speed: Base walking speed is 30 ft

Darkvision: 60 ft. Both their outward transformation and living in a desert has dulled this sense.

Martial Training: High Orcs are proficient in two martial weapons of their choice and light armor.

Relentless Endurance: When reduced to 0 hp but not killed, you can drop to 1 hp instead. Feature can not be used again until after a long rest.

Languages: All High Orcs know Common and Gnomish.